Organization Overview

Food service with integrity. We are a niche frozen food distributor that specializes in further processed & value-added food items to a vast array of end users all over the world. We are experts at all things further processed when it comes to chicken!
Andy Geller
Andy Geller President, Co-founder
Adam Lewis
Adam Lewis Director of Business Operations
Alyssa Gard
Alyssa Gard Marketing and Operations Support Specialist
Andrew Bennington
Andrew Bennington COO
Ian Fazica
Ian Fazica Sales Operation Specialist
Jency Lopez
Jency Lopez CEO, Co-founder
Kelvin Hearns Jr.
Kelvin Hearns Jr. Senior Associate of Business Operations
Laura Zinger
Laura Zinger Vice President of Sales Enablement, Marketing, Strategic Partnerships
Lauren Miller
Lauren Miller Director of Supply Chain
Robby Schuler
Robby Schuler Sales Operations Specialist
Tim Panzeri
Tim Panzeri VP of Procurement
Tony Medaglia
Tony Medaglia Associate of Accounting & Business Operations
Lion Distribution and Trading, LLC
Lion Distribution and Trading, LLC Boca Raton, FL
NPFDA Logo Distributor

Products & Services
Wholesale/Trade of Proteins
Areas of Expertise
Broker/Trader, Distributor